Emma Steele


Emma is concertmaster of the Royal Danish Orchestra and a prizewinner at the Sibelius International Violin Competition. She co-founded Equinox Festival in 2018 and has been playing with us ever since.

  • Originally a native of Chicago, Emma performs both nationally and internationally as a soloist and as part of chamber ensembles. Favorite past performances have been in venues such as Orchestra Hall in Chicago, Carnegie Hall in New York, and the Rudolfinum Concert Hall in Prague.

    Emma currently holds position as one of the concertmasters of the Royal Danish Orchestra in Copenhagen. She is also the violinist of the Dahlia String Trio.

    Emma has won awards in many competitions, including the Sibelius International Violin Competition where she became a finalist and received the Young Talent Prize. She also became a finalist and prize winner in the Irving M. Klein International String Competition 2012 in San Francisco.

    She has soloed with many orchestras including the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Danish Orchestra, the Polish Radio Amadeus Chamber Orchestra, and the Northwest Symphony Orchestra.

    She has a Bachelor’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University where she studied with Cyrus Forough, and then continued her studies at the Curtis Institute of Music with Aaron Rosand.

Past performances


Emma Gibout


Hulda Jónsdóttir