Gerbrich Meijer


Gerbrich is an internationally acclaimed chamber musician, soloist and orchestral player who also hosts her own one-woman show on tour around the Netherlands. She joined Equinox Festival in 2024

  • Gerbrich is an internationally active chamber musician, soloist and orchestral player from the Netherlands. She is the winner of the Dutch Classical Talent 2024 audience Award, nominee of the Grachtenfestival Award 2022 and recipient of the 'Special Prize' at the Carl Nielsen International Competition 2022. Her debut album for AVRO TROS was recently released.

    She is currently pursuing her Soloist Class Degree under Johnny Teyssier at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. She holds a master degree from the esteemed Colburn Conservatory of Music in Los Angeles, where she studied with Yehuda Gilad and previously studied with John Kruse at the Royal Danish Academy of Music for her bachelor degree.

    Gerbrich has performed as soloist with Camerata Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra among others and has performed with symphony orchestras like the London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Residentie Orkest, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Copenhagen Phil and the European Union Youth Orchestra.

    Gerbrich toured with her interdisciplinary One Woman Show throughout the Netherlands in season 23/24 and a 2025 highlight will be her solo debut with the Radio Orchestra in the Concertgebouw Amsterdam.

Past performances


Felicia Greciuc


Nikolaj Henriques