
Louise Farrenc

Sextet for Piano and Winds

Performance date
11 August 2022

Joachim Becerra Thomsen, Felicia Gabriela Greciuc, Livio Russi, Jørgen Bracht Nielsen, Claudio Flückiger, Yannick Rafalimanana

Program notes

Louise Farrenc (1804-1875) was a well-regarded composer in her time, and the first woman to be appointed professor of piano at the Paris Conservatoire, which was one of the most prestigious posts in Europe. After the triumphant premiere of her Nonet, she even managed to successfully argue for equal pay – until then she only earned half as much as her male colleagues.

Her Sextet in C Minor (1852) is the first known work for this combination of instruments: piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon. It plays like a miniature piano concerto, and balances soloistic piano passages with lyrically expressive and expertly structured wind writing.

Photos by Caroline Bittencourt


Kevin Lau: WORLD PREMIERE: Beyond the Ten Thousand Things (full video)


Ralph Vaughan Williams: Piano Quintet in C Minor (full video)