
Bo Holten

Clarinet Quintet

Performance date
9 August 2022

John Kruse, Kumi Shimizu, Afonso Fesch, Minna Svedberg, Joel Laakso

Program notes

At a time when experimental composition techniques and a new material consciousness pervade new music, Bo Holten (b. 1948) is a Danish composer who stubbornly and lovingly insists on tonal and approachable music.

The Danish folk tune “Jeg går i tusind tanker” forms the motif for his Clarinet Quintet from 2020. The work is organised into four movements, where the central two movements blend into each other, and the finale presents a set of variations before the theme finally re-emerges in all its nostalgic and touching simplicity.

This work is a modern masterpiece, and we think this performance by the incomparable John Kruse only proves it!

Photos by Rasmus Kongsgaard


Amy Beach: Piano Quintet (full video)


Caroline Shaw: Entr'acte (clip)